Thursday, 31 December 2009


In 2006 I went to Berlin, twice. This building became a focal point for susequent work.

Here are some examples of the body of work that came out of the fascination with this building. The building itself became a sort o
f motif and it featured primarily in painted images, both oil and water-based paints, the basis for a written paper, sculpture, animation and performance.

Lost [again], computer generated drawings and metal tubing, 2006

The Land that Time Forgot, one of 14 paintings, oil on paper, 2007

The Land that Time Forgot, clay and stones, 2007

The Doll's House, watercolour on text, 2008

untitled, watercolour on text, 2007

Meeting/Play, performance, 2007/8

Clifftop, video still animation 2007

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Looking back from now.

Name: Bev Broadhead

This blog is my dip into self promotion and reflection - getting out there with the rest of you who use the internet for research, information, buying tickets, just having fun and/or much, much more. It won't pretend to be sophisticated or stylish - if anything comes across as such, this is pure fluke! For that reason, I have chosen to produce a blog. It seems a simple, unsophisticated and reliable way of assembling work that I have done in my art practice and am continuing to do and how to show it to an audience.
I'm hoping that this faltering for words will lessen the further this blog goes - if indeed it reaches any sort of maturity - at present, the process of writing feels awkward and clumsy (no comments, please).

So, I will start, not by customizing my blog site; that can wait, but with some bodies of art work, some lines of inquiry that proved fruitful and that make up my portfolio so far.

1. M E W A L K I N G 2005-2006

These digital photos were taken with the intention of not looking for a composition. To be thinking and looking in other directions whilst being physically in this place.

M E W A L K I N G, 2006, oil on canvas with sound installation
